Redeeming the Week in Pop Culture–2/27/15

Each week I hope to send out the latest version of “Redeeming the Week in Pop Culture,” with the intention of touching on a variety of the latest topics from the world of pop culture. But one man can only watch/read/listen to so much on his own, especially a husband and father who wants to spend time with his family, so please feel free to forward anything my way that you think may be worthy of attention. Because chances are, I may have missed it.


On the 2/19 episode of Backstrom, I found myself blown away in the final scenes. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that the new Rainn Wilson crime show has a good Christian character to take note of, played by Dennis Haysbert (from 24 and the All-State commercials). And in this recent episode, when the police had exhausted all efforts to find a kidnapped girl, Haysbert’s character recommended they all join hands and pray. And when the girl was finally found, along with a previous kidnapped victim the atheist lead character had long since believed was dead, Backstrom collapsed in disbelief, having just witnessed a miracle and answer to prayer.

“Are you seeing this?” another character said while witnessing the prayer. “Backstrom is in a prayer circle.” That was pretty much my sentiments too. I’ve seen countless episodes of Castle, Bones, CSI, and many other similar shows. And not once have I witnessed the characters turning to prayer for help with the case. Believe it or not, this show starring a despicable alcoholic who mocks all faiths and lives with the gay son of a former prostitute he once had a “relationship” with just might be one that Christians should pay attention to. Perhaps the creators of the show have made a character so in need of redemption like Backstrom in order to slowly show how God’s grace can change even the worst of people. Though the ratings don’t look good for a second season, I am really pulling for this show and would encourage all to give it a chance.


Emma Watson, the actress who played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, made some headlines this week, involving her possible dating relationship with England’s Prince Harry. I am definitely not interested in any Us Weekly–type are-they-or-aren’t-they kinds of rumors; however, I do love something Watson put on Twitter in response to some of the discussions. She wrote, “Marrying a prince not a prerequisite for being a princess.” And then she posted the below scene from the movie A Little Princess. I don’t know anything about this movie whatsoever, but this may be my new favorite movie scene. Indeed, children of God are all princesses and princes, set to be co-heirs of the kingdom of God along with his Son, Jesus.


It was announced this week that the Kardashian family has signed on with the E! Network for another four years. While researching for my book I actually watched a few episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, to be included in my chapter on reality television shows. After watching this show and others like it, I came to the conclusion that the Kardashians don’t own the copyrights to bizarre family squabbles. That honor goes to the first family ever on earth. As much as Khloe, Kim, and the others do incredibly unloving and selfish things toward each other, no one has murdered anyone yet—something Adam and Eve can’t say about their family. No matter how dysfunctional some of these reality television families appear to be, the family is still God’s design. Even the Kardashians.

ron swanson

One of my favorite sitcoms ever, Parks and Recreation, ended this week. Ron Swanson is undoubtedly the greatest television character ever created, in my opinion, and I will forever smile whenever I see actor Nick Offerman show up in other roles. But another thing I found uniquely special about this show were all the marriages in it between the different characters. Andy and April, Leslie and Ben, Ron, Donna, even Jerry/Larry/Garry—all with loving, healthy, supportive marriages. No trashing each other. No keeping secrets. No adulterous relationships. Just the types of marriages we all wish to have and want for our kids as well.


Finally, I simply have to find room to add here at the end that Ellen Ripley is returning to the Alien franchise. Yes, 65-year-old Sigourney Weaver will be going head-to-head with aliens again, and I can’t wait. That may seem a bit old to be taking on monsters, but I’m pretty sure some heroes of the Old Testament have her beat. Men like Moses and Joshua were swinging swords until the swords weighed more than them. The return of Ripley can only be a good thing. Now if only they can find a way to bring back Bill Paxton’s character from the dead. I might just have to buy my tickets today if they do.

Kevin Harvey is the author of two books, his latest entitled All You Want to Know about the Bible in Pop Culture. It is available for pre-order now on Amazon, or hard copies can be found at Wal-Mart and other bookstores on March 24, 2015.